When interacting with music production apps, users are mainly focused on sound. Apps such as PlayGround, Musyc and SP pro offer instant access to wild sonic playing fields, with plentiful options for looping, adding elements and altering the composition of the music. And all are accompanied by equally engaging, playful visuals. But perhaps, in the spirit of ‘thinking outside the box’, we could extend our playing field beyond the screen. What if our starting point is not sound, but movement? Could the sound be defined by exterior impulses, such as the flick of a conductor’s finger or the energetic path of another body in motion? In this workshop we experiment with placing the focus on physicality. We explore the relationship between the body and the output and how these digital instruments could also be played, not by following the ears, but by following the limbs.
We seek to:
- Produce sounds and music by using the body as the input source
- Work together to build new tracks and playful choreographies
- Follow our impulses
- Use improvisation to delve into deep and rich territory
- Find links with other movers and build creative relationships
- Enjoy the journey of discovery